Wednesday, March 15, 2006

These are the People in Your Neighborhood

Yes, in your neighborhood, in your neighborhood.

Change...that's what Wynn inspired in me.

I came to Rice in 1995 closed, scared, quiet, alone.

Wynn had had his time there, but he had not dismissed the great institution...certainly not his neighborhood of Will Rice College.

He found me and Vicki through Chris, a journalism friend of his who was one of those revered Seniors with a SINGLE. Chris and Wynn thought differently, talked differently, viewed life differently than anyone I had ever met before.

I remember Wynn for the way he welcomed me into life. He was living life, and I was new, and I was allowed in. No, I wasn't allowed in. I take that back. Wynn, grabbed me by the hands and screamed, "JUMP!" I had no choice when I met him, but to join him in seeing in an adventurous way.

Once I had met Wynn, I couldn't be scared any more. I couldn't be alone any more. I couldn't be quiet any more. I couldn't be closed any more. When Wynn has touched your life, you answer his questions with vehemence, fervor, vitality, joy. You are a part of his story.

When I came to Rice, I was still a part of my small home town. I was ready to run back there and hide. Meeting Wynn changed that. Meeting Wynn made me ready to run forward and proclaim a new identity, as he had done his whole life. He showed me that there was a me in me.

Wynn, can you see me now? Can you hear me?

I will always love you.

Jonna Beck
Will Rice College
Rice University
BA English '99


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