In-camera AutoHDR
This review provides a little insight into what will surely become a standard feature in all DSLRs in the future: Auto HDR. Sony currently combines only two exposures (+/- 3 EV) which Pentax combines three.
Cleanest 12 megapixels around
Many of Nikon's latest cameras may only be 12 megapixels but they are an insanely clean 12 megapixels. Nikon's latest, the 12.1 megapixel D3s is the current clean pixel champion that's startlingly "professional" at high ISOs like 12, 800. Check out these full res image samples.
Lightroom 3 Public Beta is now available
I particularly like the improved sharpening, noise reduction, demoasicing, watermarking and new grain tools. There are significant quality improvements especially for high ISO and long exposure photographers. The completely redesigned Import dialog allows you to browse all images on the hard drive (similar to Bridge functionality). LR3 now archives the catalog during exit instead of upon launch (but they use the term "backup" incorrectly). There are also some exciting features in the wings that aren't in this public beta yet. The LR3 beta takes up lots of RAM, isn't optimized for speed and…
Leica M9 and X1 Camera Systems
Leica has just announced two new camera systems - the M9 and the X1. The M9 is the latest in the famous M series - it's the same size and format as the M8 yet it's chockfull of refinements. The M9 packs a 18.5 megapixel full frame sensor and has 3, 5 or 7 frame exposure bracketing for HDR. Its fit and finish are all Leica and its the smallest full frame digital camera on the market. It's available in 2 weeks for $6995.
The new X1 (pictured above on the…
Real printmakers use large cores...
Tired of loading sheets? Sick of the curl you get from rolls? How about made-to-order rolls on a 6" core? Think boatloads of prints per roll and no curl.
Yosemite extreme panoramic imaging project
I'm taking part in the Yosemite Extreme Panoramic Imaging Project this weekend. Along with over 70 photographers and digital imaging experts we will spread out over the Yosemite Valley and will each capture gigapixel (1000 megabyte) images that will be compiled into one of the highest resolution images ever made.
Dan Burkholder Pioneering iPhone Fine Art Photography
My good friend and mentor Dan Burkholder is boldly blazing a new path in a way that only he can. Dan is shooting exclusively with an iPhone and is making and exhibiting some serious fine art prints from it. Don't laugh - Dan's not just snapping low resolution images and applying filters to them, he's capturing sometimes dozens of frames, stitching them together and using half a dozen applications to develop the images to his liking. His final results are fairly high resolution files that make for nice prints. His images are made and developed completely on the iPhone.![]()