We combine our expertise with the latest equipment and techniques to create ultra high resolution and colorimetricially accurate art documentation
Comprehensive documentation service for art collections
Perfect color reproduction without manual file adjustment
Image quality that exceeds FADGI 2020 guidelines
100 and 400 megapixel single shot imaging
Precise color science, not guesswork
We bring the studio to the collection
Sleek database creation (Artlogic, Art Galleria, etc)
We offer a comprehensive digital cultural heritage preservation service. We have assembled a team of preparators, curators, database and imaging science experts and that allow us to provide a turn key service for art collectors, museums and libraries. Utilizing state of the art, 100+ megapixel cameras with incredible optics, lighting and polarization, we create massive files of artwork (58″x78″@300ppi) that are stunning to view zoomed in, revealing detail that can’t be seen with the naked eye. Our process exceeds that of the FADGI 4 star and METAMORFOZE strict guidelines for digitizing cultural heritage materials. While we can easily transport artwork to our warehouse for storage and documentation, we also have the unique ability to break down and bring our state-of-the-art studio to your collection, wherever in the world it may be.
Our team has an established workflow that is fast and efficient. Capturing artwork instantly at 100+ megapixels (without stitching) allows us to work quickly and therefore, cost effectively. Not only are the results of unusually high quality, the costs are surprisingly affordable. If you have a collection of work that you’d like documented, and entered into an attractive cloud based database, please let us know. We are seeking collections in the 500-20,000 item range to document and catalog. We also offer training and consulting for those performing their own documentation.
Cultural heritage photography is important. The technology and techniques have improved so much in just the last 2 years that we are excited to help art professionals modernize their process.
We help professionals modernize their cultural heritage art documentation process. Here are some common training topics:
1. Four point lighting setup for perfectly even illumination without reflections
2. Polarization design and practices for reproduction of wood, metallics and textured surfaces without spectral highlights
3. Camera RAW profiling for colorimetricially accurate reproduction within DeltaE or less
4. Flat Field Correction
5. Usage of color reference tools like the Reality Checker and ISA object level targets
6. FAGDI and METAMORFOZE standards compliance and procedures
7. Studio design and equipment suggestions
8. Media Compensation Curve generation for print reproductions