Sunday, February 26, 2006

Wynn, The One and Only

I had heard a lot about Wynn, before I met him for the first time, but nothing could have prepared me for the actual person.  We were at Scott and Jenny's house on the morning of Scott's "bachelor party", awaiting Wynn's arrival, for it was he who had planned the event. He was late (as usual?), and when he arrived his hair wasn't combed, and he was moving at full speed, and talking just as fast.  It turned out he had planned this absolutely fantastic day-long range of events, adventures, and scavenger hunt, all rolled into one, and it was beautifully organized.  One could not help but be impressed by his intelligence, imagination, creativity, enthusiasm and devotion to his brother. 
We have since gotten to know Wynn much better,and seen him in a variety of lights, and we were proud to have him as a member of  our Family.  My brother Jack and I reminisced about him today.   He was truly one of a kind and will be sorely missed. 
Tom (and Lynda) Browne


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