Sunday, February 26, 2006

fallopian tube story

One year, Wynn Martin came to our Halloween party dressed as a fallopian

a fallopian tube.

A pink fabric tube like a miniskirt gone horribly wrong, covered his whole
body, only his face was exposed. He could only walk by shuffling his feet.
a big white fluffy pillow on his head served as an ovary. He had no arm
holes, and when asked he would say (incredulously)"how many fallopian
tubes do you know with arms?"

Wynn suffered for his art- the whole party he could not eat or drink
except when someone fed him. I'm not sure how he managed to go to the
bathroom with his arms pinned to his sides, I did not ask.

Wynn stayed in character all evening. Just developing a "character" for a
fallopian tube is difficult enough. He would answer any questions
directed to him as a depressed fallopian tube. Think Marvin the robot as
a reproductive organ:

"What do you do?"
"I'm in the egg delivery business".
"How have you been?"
"Same old me. Sperm rushes one way, eggs rush the other."

Every half hour, he was he would start convulsing and shaking. He would
shimmy his whole body down to his foot, where he would drop...a hard
boiled egg.

"I hate it when that happens."

I've had the honor and pleasure of knowing many bright and creative people
in my life. Many of them might consider making a costume resembling a
reproductive organ. A few of those might actually do it. A few or those
might take the time to reason out the character of a fallopian tube, is it
happy or sad?

I only knew one who puzzled out a way to be a functional, yet depressed,
reproductive organ.

Aaron Herrick
February 24th 2006


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