Monday, February 27, 2006

Loss of Wynn

Perry and Sherry:  I am unable to tell you the thoughts that have run through my mind when I learned that you had lost a son.  I did not know Wynn--why I don't know--I thought I had spent a reasonable part of my life at St. Mark's, but no.  Well, after Joan died in 2002 I thought my life had ended, but I survived--somehow.  52 1/2 years of married life cannot be erased by a terrible occurence.  And I hope the same is true for you--Wynn is gone but certainly not forgotten.  He occupied such a welcome place in so many minds of so many people.  I have two adult sons about whom I am so very proud.  And grandchildren numerous.  Also I have (for the present at least) another St. Mark's church, this one in Cleveland, TX.  We are terribly small but survive somehow.  And without a priest, who presently lives in that wonderful place in Baytown--going down with Alzheimers.  Joan was a victim of Parkinson's. EVERYBODY'S GOT SOMETHING!    So, again, my great sympathy for losing Wynn.  As a very wise parishioner here at St. Mark's told me just the other day when I confessed some overwhelming sadness with "things"--just remember the good times and the good photos, mementos, and you'll be all right.  Hope so. Hang in there!
Joe F. Power, 141 South Fairway Loop, Coldsrping, TX 77331.   


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